Classification of vehicles

 Semi trailer (Euro trailer, Mega trailer)

The most common type of vehicle body. It is suitable for transportation of the majority of types of cargoes. The trailer is dismountable which allows performing loading both from above and sideways.

Inner length: 13,62 m
Inner width: 2,46/2,48 m
Inner height: 2,68-2,98/2, 70-3,00 m
Loading space: 22-33 Euro pallets
Loading capacity: 18-22 tons
Effective capacity: 60-92 m3


 "Coupler" (Truck-train with trailer)

Vehicle with a body on one frame plus the trailer. Advantages: fast loading (unloading) of the vehicle and big effective capacity. Disadvantage: it is not suitable for transportation of long items of cargo.

Inner length: 6-7 + 6-8,5
Inner width: 2,40-2,42/2,42-2,52 m
Inner height: 2,30-2,50/2,90-2,80 m
Loading space: 34-44 Euro pallets
Loading capacity: 16-18 tons
Effective capacity: 60-120 m3


 Reefer (Trailer complete with refrigerating plant)

Semi trailer Reefer. It is suitable for transportation of the majority of types of perishables and cargoes which require special conditions of storage: from +25C to - 25C.
In operation it is more expensive for 5-25 %.

Inner length: 13,36 m
Inner width: 2,49 m
Inner height: 2,60 m
Loading space: 24-33 Euro pallets
Loading capacity: 12-22 tons
Effective capacity: 60-92 m3


 Truck-train with semi trailer / Truck-train with semi trailer (insulated)

The most common type of trailer body. It is suitable for transportation of the majority of types of cargoes. It maintains the required temperature for a long period of time. The trailer is dismountable which allows performing loading both from above and sideways. The semi trailer may also be insulated.

Inner length: 13,35/13,62 m
Inner width: 2,43/2,48 m
Inner height: 2,57/2,70 m
Loading space: 33 Euro pallets
Loading capacity: 18-22 tons


 Open (container) platform

Usually is used for transportation of weather-proof cargoes. May also be used for transportation of the oversized equipment. Two 20 Feet containers or one 40 Feet container ma be placed onto the open platform.

Loading capacity: 15-20 tons


 Open trailer

Usually is used for transportation of weather-proof cargoes.

Loading capacity: 3-22 tons

SIA „Ilior” 2014. gada 30.jūnijā noslēdza līgumu Nr. KPFI-15.3/92 ar SIA "Vides investīciju fonds" un Latvijas Republikas Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju par projekta „Kompleksi risinājumi siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas samazināšanai SIA ILIOR ēkā Rankas iela 4a, Rīga” īstenošanu. Projekta mērķis ir samazināt uzņēmuma radītās oglekļa dioksīda emisijas.

Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks panākts CO2 emisiju samazinājums 54,295 tonnas gadā. Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 226 324,26 EUR. KPFI finansē 54,892776 % no attiecināmajām izmaksām, t.i., 124 235,67 EUR. SIA “Ilior” līdzfinansējums ir 45,107224% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.

„SIA "ILIOR" 2012. gada 17. augustā noslēgtā līguma Nr. L-ĀTA-12-1095 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta "SIA "ILIOR" dalība starptautiskās izstādēs" īstenošanu ietvaros, ir veiksmīgi pabeigusi pēdējo aktivitāti - dalība starptautiskā izstādē TRANSPORT LOGISTIC 2013.”