International Logistics & Customs Warehouses

Warehouse services

The company “ILIOR” has warehouses with a total area of 20,000 square meters, and the presence of a customs license allows for the acceptance, storage, and release into free circulation of goods from third countries. “ILIOR” offers its clients a choice between three warehouses of category class "A", class "B", and class "C". These warehouses are used as cargo consolidation centers for further export to the CIS, as well as for re-export from CIS countries to Europe, China, the USA, and other countries.

The warehouses are equipped with the latest security alarm and video surveillance systems, and the IT warehouse management system allows for integration with customers' IT solutions, simplifying communication, execution, and control of completed work.

The warehouse also has the necessary documents and technical capabilities to handle dangerous goods (ADR) and food products.

The warehouse is equipped with cold and freezing chambers for storing goods under temperature regimes:

+2+8 degrees Celsius / +15+25 degrees Celsius / -18-20 degrees Celsius

These chambers can store goods according to GDP standards (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food products). Appropriate certificates are available.

The warehouse has forklifts with a lifting capacity of up to 4.5 tons, and there is also the possibility of performing crane operations upon request.

List of main warehouse services, including fulfillment services:

  • Unloading, acceptance (including weighing and checking the quality of packaging/goods), sorting, repacking, loading cargo on pallets using equipment, mechanically handling "box" cargo, as well as large-sized cargo using a crane;
  • Scanning and integration with customers' IT systems;
  • Labeling, completing, repacking, wrapping pallets in film;
  • Short-term and long-term storage of general cargo, as well as ADR (dangerous) cargo and cargo requiring temperature control (including freezing chambers);
  • Full documentary support, including the issuance of all necessary certificates, transport, and customs documents.
SIA „Ilior” 2014. gada 30.jūnijā noslēdza līgumu Nr. KPFI-15.3/92 ar SIA "Vides investīciju fonds" un Latvijas Republikas Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju par projekta „Kompleksi risinājumi siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas samazināšanai SIA ILIOR ēkā Rankas iela 4a, Rīga” īstenošanu. Projekta mērķis ir samazināt uzņēmuma radītās oglekļa dioksīda emisijas.

Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks panākts CO2 emisiju samazinājums 54,295 tonnas gadā. Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 226 324,26 EUR. KPFI finansē 54,892776 % no attiecināmajām izmaksām, t.i., 124 235,67 EUR. SIA “Ilior” līdzfinansējums ir 45,107224% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.

„SIA "ILIOR" 2012. gada 17. augustā noslēgtā līguma Nr. L-ĀTA-12-1095 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta "SIA "ILIOR" dalība starptautiskās izstādēs" īstenošanu ietvaros, ir veiksmīgi pabeigusi pēdējo aktivitāti - dalība starptautiskā izstādē TRANSPORT LOGISTIC 2013.”