International Logistics & Customs Warehouses


Maintaining product safety and quality throughout the supply chain is of utmost importance, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.

The company ILIOR has successfully passed the test and received a certificate of Good Distribution Practice (GDP). 
Certification for compliance with Good Distribution Practices (GDP) in the pharmaceutical industry demonstrates our responsible and conscientious attitude towards the requirements of this standard and the quality of services provided by our company. GDP is a quality assurance system for distributors, logistics operators and warehouse companies involved in the circulation of medicines. Implementation of the GDP rules ensures that consistent quality management systems are in place throughout the supply chain, as well as the proper implementation of a set of rules that the logistics operator must comply with to ensure that the storage, transportation and distribution of pharmaceutical products throughout the supply chain from manufacturer to consumer, maintains quality and integrity of the goods.
Compliance with GDP ensures that: medicines in the supply chain comply with EU legislation pharmaceuticals are stored and transported under appropriate conditions the possibility of contamination with other products and theft or counterfeit of medicines is prevented management of quality system processes such as structured accumulation complaints, deviations, performance reviews, inspections, audits, etc. works efficiently, the goods reach the desired consignee on time.
SIA „Ilior” 2014. gada 30.jūnijā noslēdza līgumu Nr. KPFI-15.3/92 ar SIA "Vides investīciju fonds" un Latvijas Republikas Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju par projekta „Kompleksi risinājumi siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas samazināšanai SIA ILIOR ēkā Rankas iela 4a, Rīga” īstenošanu. Projekta mērķis ir samazināt uzņēmuma radītās oglekļa dioksīda emisijas.

Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks panākts CO2 emisiju samazinājums 54,295 tonnas gadā. Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 226 324,26 EUR. KPFI finansē 54,892776 % no attiecināmajām izmaksām, t.i., 124 235,67 EUR. SIA “Ilior” līdzfinansējums ir 45,107224% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.

„SIA "ILIOR" 2012. gada 17. augustā noslēgtā līguma Nr. L-ĀTA-12-1095 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta "SIA "ILIOR" dalība starptautiskās izstādēs" īstenošanu ietvaros, ir veiksmīgi pabeigusi pēdējo aktivitāti - dalība starptautiskā izstādē TRANSPORT LOGISTIC 2013.”