International Logistics & Customs Warehouses

Responsibility and Sustainable Development

At ILIOR, we believe that success in logistics is impossible without a responsible approach to the environment and our employees. We actively promote "sustainability" and "social responsibility," integrating eco-friendly principles and social responsibility into our daily operations.

Environmental Responsibility
It is important for us to minimize our environmental footprint, so we have implemented the following measures:
  • Waste Sorting: In our office and warehouses, we strictly adhere to waste separation principles. We have color-coded bins for sorting paper, plastic, and other waste. We have contracts with companies that manage waste collection and sorting.
  • Plastic-Free Policy: We do not use single-use plastic in our office. Instead, we promote the use of reusable materials and solutions. For this purpose, we’ve provided all employees with glass water bottles.
  • Energy-Saving Technologies: In our warehouses, we strive to use electric equipment, which reduces CO2 emissions and increases the efficiency of our operations.
Employee Care
We are confident that a company’s success directly depends on the people who work in it.
At ILIOR, we have an atmosphere of support and development:
  • Corporate Events: We regularly organize events for employees to celebrate holidays together and strengthen team spirit.
  • Professional Development: We invest in the training and skill development of our employees, offering them the opportunity to attend specialized courses and workshops.
  • Healthy Atmosphere: We aim to maintain a friendly and comfortable work environment where everyone feels part of the team and can realize their potential.
  • Self-Expression and Respect: We encourage freedom of expression and respect everyone’s opinion. It’s important to us that every team member feels valued and knows their contribution to the overall success. We strive to create a work environment where ideas and initiatives can be voiced and implemented.
At ILIOR, we believe that responsible business is the key to long-term success. We continue to grow, keeping in mind that our actions today shape a better tomorrow for us and for society as a whole.
SIA „Ilior” 2014. gada 30.jūnijā noslēdza līgumu Nr. KPFI-15.3/92 ar SIA "Vides investīciju fonds" un Latvijas Republikas Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju par projekta „Kompleksi risinājumi siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas samazināšanai SIA ILIOR ēkā Rankas iela 4a, Rīga” īstenošanu. Projekta mērķis ir samazināt uzņēmuma radītās oglekļa dioksīda emisijas.

Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks panākts CO2 emisiju samazinājums 54,295 tonnas gadā. Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 226 324,26 EUR. KPFI finansē 54,892776 % no attiecināmajām izmaksām, t.i., 124 235,67 EUR. SIA “Ilior” līdzfinansējums ir 45,107224% no attiecināmajām izmaksām.

„SIA "ILIOR" 2012. gada 17. augustā noslēgtā līguma Nr. L-ĀTA-12-1095 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par projekta "SIA "ILIOR" dalība starptautiskās izstādēs" īstenošanu ietvaros, ir veiksmīgi pabeigusi pēdējo aktivitāti - dalība starptautiskā izstādē TRANSPORT LOGISTIC 2013.”